Become a Member — The Salt Spring Forum

We strongly depend on support through yearly memberships to make our events possible. By becoming a member, you help the Forum present new speakers and ideas on Salt Spring – and help Salt Spring engage with the world. 

As a member of the Salt Spring Forum you receive:

  • Discounts on all Speaker Series events

  • Invitations to members-only salons with remarkable thinkers and leaders

  • Invitations to other members-only events

  • An invitation to our Annual General Meeting

  • Occasional emails about upcoming speakers, events, and initiatives

Memberships are individual and are $20 per person per calendar year (expiring on December 31st of the year they were purchased).

There are three ways to become a member or to renew your membership.


To Become a Member or Renew your Membership by Mail:

Simply send a cheque payable to the Salt Spring Forum for $20 (per person) to

Salt Spring Forum
Box 673 STN Ganges
Salt Spring Island, BC  V8K 2W3

Please include your name, address, and email in your mail request.

Your membership will be effective immediately, and a letter and membership card will soon be in the mail. If you have any questions please contact us for assistance.


Immediately become a member using PAY PAL.

Click this button below:


Sign up using E Transfer.

Send an E Transfer for the appropriate amount to:

Then go to the form below and fill in your contact details. Please use the message box to enter your wishes. For example: “One membership and $50 donation.” Annual membership is $20.