The Forum is a charitable organization that relies on membership, event fees, and donations to operate. Your donation helps us continue to bring thought-provoking leaders and intellectuals such as Noam Chomsky and Margaret MacMillan to Salt Spring for community discussions and democratic debates.
As an officially registered charitable organization, we provide tax receipts for all donations.
There are a few ways you can support the Forum:
One-time Gifts
You can help the Salt Spring Forum today with a one-time single gift. Your donation will make it possible to continue our Speakers Series throughout the year.
Click here to make a one-time donation today.
Monthly Gifts
You can provide steady support to the Salt Spring Forum with a gift every month. Monthly gifts help us plan ahead and invite speakers early. This ensures that world-class speakers and leaders visit our community.
Click here to become a monthly supporter of the Salt Spring Forum.
Planned Giving
Are you a community member who believes in the work of the Salt Spring Forum as a long-term project? By making a planned gift to the Salt Spring Forum, such as a bequest in your will, you can leave a sizeable legacy to the community without affecting your current income. When planning for the future, please consider a gift for the Salt Spring Forum.
To make a planned gift contact us directly.
Your contribution will help us continue to engage youth, help us with our organization’s expenses, and help us foster an environment of inclusivity, learning, and dialogue.
Your generosity will allow us to keep our ticket prices and fees at break-even rates to include as many people as possible. By donating you will also support the good work of other local organizations. Finally, you will help Salt Spring remain an interesting and intellectually vibrant place to live.
please fill in the form below and send an email to
““I would like to express my gratitude to the Salt Spring Forum for granting me your scholarship for volunteerism. Your contribution to my tuition will help me enter university with a stable financial backing, allowing me focus on excelling in my studies and contributing in my fullest capacity to my new school community.””